Interacting with StarSeeds Protocol

  • For LP Providers and Token Holders:

    • Automatically Arbitraged Liquidity Pools provide higher than standard LP Provider revenues.

    • STARV4's relative exchange rate increases due to STARV4's reducing maximum supply from it's burn on transfer fee combined with permanent and growing liquidity from StarSeeds Protocol's autocompounding pools.

    • STARV3 is backed by BTC/ETH/MATIC/USDC/GHST and other high value tokens in StarSeeds Protocol's autocompounding liquidity pools.

  • For Protocols:

    • StarSeeds Protocol offers DEXs, Automated Liquidity Management, Lending, Synthetics & Bridging Protocols with increasing long-term trade liquidity and trade volume.

    • Partner with StarSeeds Protocol to access deeper liquidity and additional trade volume for your protocols native token. Apply via Discord.

  • For Traders:

Last updated